Course curriculum

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    Shifting How Influencers Facilitate Transformation

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    Chapter 1: Introduction

    • Intro

    • Introduce yourself

    • Wicked Problems

    • Uncertainty

    • Journaling

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    Chapter 2: Adult Learning

    • Human Learning

    • Transformative Learning Theory

    • Educational Contexts. Coach, Mentor, Expert.

    • Journaling

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    Chapter 3: Behavioral Change

    • Coaching - is not telling, manipulating or forcing

    • Behavior Change

    • Crossing the Chasm

    • Opinion Leaders

    • Non-Verbal Communication

    • Who Am I Being? Worksheet

    • Peak Moment Worksheet

    • Peak Moments

    • Questioning to open doorways Worksheet

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    Chapter 4: Polyvagal Theory

    • Well-being

    • Polyvagal theory A

    • Polyvagal Theory B

    • Early Warning Signs Worksheet

    • Recall a Moment

    • Who made a difference in your life?

    • Parasympathetic what do you love?

    • Regulation

    • Regulation Worksheet

    • Strategies for Regulation

    • Try another angle

    • Journal

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    Chapter 5: Polarity Mapping

    • Polarity Map

    • Identify Polarities

    • Meagan's Polarity Map discussion

    • Polarity Map Example

    • Why we like the Polarity Map

    • Loosening our attachments

    • Doing a Polarity Map

    • Polarity Mapping Overview

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    Chapter 6: Designing Programs for Transformation

    • Introducing Switch

    • Choosing a project

    • Direct the Rider

    • Motivate the Elephant

    • Shape the Path

    • Elephant, Rider, Path Worksheet

    • Choose your Own Project

    • Optional 'Live' example

    • Journaling

    • Project design

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    • Thank you!

    • Huge thanks

    • Brought to you through the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program